Case studies

Spotlight on: Aboriginal Community Housing Limited (ACHL)

Housing Australia provided a $3 million NHIF grant to the Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation (KYAC) to build culturally appropriate independent living for Aboriginal Elders in South Australia. 

ACHL Elders Village SA
Elders Village SA, view from north-east

Kaurna Yerta believes this to be the first purpose-built Elders Village in Australia and say it will promote independent living in a community setting. 

The Purrkanaitya Aboriginal Elders Village located south of Adelaide will provide 40, culturally appropriate, one-bedroom living units plus all the required site infrastructure, to house Aboriginal elders eligible for social housing. 

The Indigenous Land & Sea Corporation provided the land for the project and the construction was funded by grants from the South Australia Housing Trust as well as Housing Australia’s contribution of  around a quarter of the total development cost.

Stacey Broadbent, ACHL CEO said ‘Aboriginal people want more opportunities and a greater say in housing solutions for their communities, and the ability to influence their own housing needs, priorities, and to have a say in the co-design of place-based housing outcomes.

‘By collaborating with Housing Australia, we are able to make a real and meaningful impact on housing availability on the ground where it matters. This project is located near a traditional ceremonial meeting place that  is still used today and is an important part of the Tjibruke Dreaming. This Village marks a significant leap towards cultural inclusivity and tailored senior living.’

Scheduled to commence in the second half of 2024, with a high level of Aboriginal involvement in the construction process, the $12.7 million development will feature accessible units, each with a kitchen, dining and living room, and separate bedroom and bathroom facilities.

‘With housing a critical factor in closing the health and life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, the Elders Village will make a substantial impact on the lives of its residents and provide access to housing that is affordable, appropriate and supportive of health and wellbeing,’ according to Ms Broadbent.

Note: Information is provided at the time of the Housing Australia Board approval and subject to change.