Spotlight on: Housing Choices Tasmania
Housing Choices Tasmania residents Lauree and Ashton, and Lisa and Sean are now enjoying life in affordable and secure homes.

Lisa's story
Lisa and Sean, a married couple in their fifties, recently moved into a brand-new property in Shorewell Park.
Sean developed a back condition that required ongoing management, after sustaining injuries as a bricklayer. Becoming his full-time carer, Lisa could no longer work to afford their home.
‘It’s just such a fine line between living your life comfortably, and then – suddenly – not, and being homeless. I would never have thought that we’d be homeless, ever. And it just happened so quickly.’
In some cases, Sean’s hospital stays were extended due to not having a safe, appropriate place to go home to. The couple had been moving between family, Airbnbs, motels, and the local caravan park, as there were no affordable private market rentals which met their needs.
‘I was ringing anybody that I could think of that might be able to help us. I walked into the Housing Choices office, and they directed me to Housing Connect who did the application. I really appreciate that they acted so quickly, because we really were in a bad way,’ explained Lisa.
Lisa and Sean were offered their property, which was still under construction, in April and moved in in July – just in time for Sean’s next operation.
‘I was so, so grateful that this unit was ready. It was the day before his surgery that I picked up the keys. It was incredible.
There’s still lots of health issues for Sean, but the stress of not having a place to stay has gone. There’s a bus stop for me to get the bus, and there’s a shop up the road. I don’t have to worry anymore and Sean can access the home easily. It’s such a relief,’ said Lisa.
Lauree's story
Lauree and her son Ashton, 12, found themselves homeless in 2021 after losing everything.
‘I was in a relationship with a guy who scammed me, and I lost a bit of money,’ said Lauree. ‘He walked out on us in Melbourne on a holiday and we lost everything basically because of him.’
Over two years, Lauree and her son lived in temporary accommodation.
‘We have been camping, couch surfing, staying at the women’s shelter, Magnolia Place in Launceston, and with friends and family too.’
Lauree and her son now live in one of the 24 units in the affordable housing development at Shorewell Park, funded by a NHFIC loan, a grant from the State Government and input from CHP Housing Choices Tasmania, who own the land.
After waiting nearly two years, Lauree says it was a relief to have a permanent home.
‘I’m so happy we have a place to now call home,’ said Lauree.