Spotlight on: Housing Choices Tasmania
Rental stability and affordability had become challenging for Tasmanian couple Carolyn* and Bill.*

The couple were asked to move from a long-term rental, allowing the owners to move back in and then sell the home.
Their next rental lasted a couple of years before the rent was increased. Becoming less resilient with age, Carolyn and Bill applied for social housing and were priority applicants on the Tasmanian Housing Register.
Housing Choices Tasmania offered them a home after they had just been notified of their rental increase.
'This was a great relief as it was going to be a struggle,' said Bill.
After three years on the Housing Register, they moved into their new home in October 2023.
Their new home allows them to stay connected with family, with their children living nearby.
'We love it here; it's been an easy change. We feel very safe here. Stability is everything. You just never know what could happen in a private rental. I used to worry all the time... if something happened to one of us, I wouldn't have been able to afford the rent,' said Carolyn.
Kim Bomford, General Manager, Housing Choices Tasmania said, 'The partnership with Housing Australia has provided us with stable, long-term financing that allows us to substantially expand housing supply to Tasmanians locked out of home ownership and private rental. We are pleased to be building on our strong relationships with the Tasmanian Government and Housing Australia to help meet the ever-increasing demand.
'The provision of long-term, secure and affordable housing is essential to maximising opportunities to participate in all aspects of life including training, education, work, volunteering and social engagement.'
Note: Information is provided at the time of the Housing Australia Board approval and subject to change.